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Monthly challenge "happikurisumasu!" From Sunday, December 1 to Saturday, December 28
The monthly challenge of December is search for familiar panel game "happy Christmas", and please find a panel of Christmas posted on 14 places in the park.
In addition, it is the co-hosting with the Miyagase shore garden this time. Four pieces of panels are posted on the shore garden. Please challenge search for panel of the Miyagase shore garden if you do search for panel in Aikawa Park.
●It is a game in search of a panel of 14 pieces of "Christmas" in the Aikawa Park.
●I present a prize for challenge if I find it seven pieces or more.
●I present a more perfect prize if I find 14 pieces of all!
●I present a prize for challenge if I find it seven pieces or more.
●I present a more perfect prize if I find 14 pieces of all!
●Furthermore, I present a premium if I find four pieces of panels in Miyagase shore garden.
●The present is limited to the child who is younger than a primary schoolchild.
●It becomes the participation in "family" "group" (to four people) "individuals"
●The person that participation is hoped for receives "challenge paper" at park center reception desk and is a start.
●The present is limited to the child who is younger than a primary schoolchild.
●It becomes the participation in "family" "group" (to four people) "individuals"
●The person that participation is hoped for receives "challenge paper" at park center reception desk and is a start.
※Saturday, December 28 becomes the end for replacing it with the monthly challenge of January at 14:00.